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The main goal of this project was to create a web mobile app that would help users find inspiration for their next tattoo, contact artists, and make reservations. 

The research conducted highlighted how the process of getting a tattoo can vary depending on each artist's preference (websites, Instagram DMs, etc.). Arranging a tattoo appointment with a specific artist can often be a difficult process; Ink Tank aims to create a consistent, streamlined process.


Ink Tank was designed between August 2020 and February 2021 as part of my UX Immersion course with CareerFoundry. I was the sole designer for the duration of the process, with the support of my tutor and mentor.


Tools: Zoom, Google Forms, pen & paper


The research phase was essential to understand the point of view of users and identify their behaviours, needs, and pain points in the process of booking a tattoo. A successful product responds to user needs - and the first step was to identify those needs. This was done through a survey and user interviews.

The Research

User survey

The purpose of this survey was to collect general data about users' preferred types of tattoos (custom, flash, etc.), what aspects they take into consideration when getting a tattoo, and potential features of interest. The survey was completed by 27 respondents via Google Forms. These were recruited through social media appeals, and CareerFoundry's Slack channels.


The analysis of the survey results showed some interesting insights. These served as a starting point for the formulation of the questions later asked in user interviews. 

• Custom designs are the most popular type of design

• When considering a new tattoo, 70% of users consider aspects such as the tattoo design and style. A relevant portion of users (55%) also considers the choice of the artist as an important step. 

•People look for inspiration through Google images, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook. 

•The features that got the most interest are "view artist profile", "artist reviews" and the booking function. Little interest was shown in the possibility to browse featured artists and browse featured designs.

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Example of data collected in the survey

User interviews

Following the survey, it was important to conduct user interviews to get in-depth information and stories from users, and investigate deeper on their experience to identify frustrations and needs. This was my first time conducting user interviews, and I found the process extremely interesting and enriching, as it helped me gain a deeper understanding of the problem space beyond my personal experience.

The four interviewees shared a common interest in tattoos but ranged from experienced tattoo collectors (with more than 18 tattoos) to more casual collectors. The interview questions focused on understanding the following aspects:


  • The inspiration process

  • The process of choosing an artist

  • What makes a good and bad tattoo experience

  • Gauging user interest in possible features


The interviews were recorded and analysed, and findings were divided into four groups: behaviours and attitudes, needs and goals, frustrations, and other quotes. This allowed me to cross-analyse statements from different interviewees and identify common goals, needs, and pain points. 

1 interviews.jpg

Some of the insights that resulted:

  • All interviewees prefer custom tattoos.

  • The selection process often starts on social media. 

  • The selection of the artist is a priority in all cases. 

  • The artist's behaviour and the environment are aspects that determine a good or bad experience. 

  • The interviewees pointed out several features that would increase their interest in the product, such as favouriting artists and designs, seeing live availability, search function and design upload. 


I enjoyed exploring the problem space and discovering the users' point of view through surveys and interviews. In particular, the interviews provided very interesting findings and it was a pleasure to hear about different experiences and slowly forming an idea of how Ink Tank could help our users.


If I could do this again, I would make sure to interview potential users from different age ranges to obtain additional insights and identify new issues. In particular, it would have been extremely interesting to interview older users (45+); tattoo culture is perceived differently in each generation, and I believe that there could be interesting variations in the process. I would also try to involve tattoo artists in the interview process and gain insights into their needs and pain points. After all, for Ink Tank to be a successful product it should also appeal to artists!



Tools: pen & paper, Photoshop (for the report)


Analysing the user interviews allowed me to identify key pain points, behaviours, needs, and issues for users that can be addressed in Ink Tank. Crafting a problem statement and user stories let me condense all these aspects into short statements that guided the next phases of the process.

Problem Statement

Problem Statement

The resulting problem statement defines the key user needs that are addressed by Ink Tank, therefore defining the product's main goal:

Ink Tank users need a way to navigate the tattoo design and artist selection process because they want to make an informed decision and feel comfortable in the process. We will know this to be true when we see that users start booking tattoo appointments and placing downpayments through the app. 

User Stories

Using the problem statement and user interviews as a starting point, I created a series of user stories. These permitted my immersion in the user's point of view, determining additional needs and elaborating app functions that respond to these needs.

Some examples:

As a tattoo enthusiast, I want to see the work of good tattoo artists in the style I prefer so that I can get inspired for my next tattoo.

As a tattoo enthusiast, I want to be able to have a personal account so that I can save my information and my favourite artists.

As a tattoo enthusiast, I am happy to travel to get an awesome tattoo and I want to be able to see what artists are available in a specific distance range or number of countries so I can find the best match for me and book an appointment.

As a tattoo enthusiast, I want to see an artist's full profile with examples of their work so that I can decide if they are the right artists for me.



Tools: Adobe Illustrator, pen & paper


This was one of my favourite phases of the process, as here I started developing solutions to the problem. 
Following the research phase and the definition of the problem statement, I gained an understanding of the user's needs and frustrations in regards to their lived experience. In this phase, in particular the user journey maps, I started translating these pieces of information into possible solutions in the digital space. 

User Personas and Journeys

User Personas

The user interviews functioned as a powerful tool in the understanding of the user and their needs. After collecting 27 survey entries and interviewing 4 individuals, I was able to have a good general idea of what Ink Tank's users might look like. Creating user personas allowed me to create two portraits that summarise Ink Tank's users and merge the different habits, needs, and goals that were highlighted in the research process.
Anne and Josè will work as reference points in the development of the project. For any decision or proposed solution I must think: "What would Anne do?" "What would Josè think of this?".

User Journey Maps

At this point, I know who Ink Tank users are (Anne and Josè) and their stories and needs, and I also have an idea of potential features that would benefit them. 
This information allows me to move on to the next exciting phase and develop user journey maps. In these documents I analyse the user experience throughout a specific journey (in the case pictured, the tattoo booking process), identify their emotional journey and break down the process into small steps, defining how to transpose this into a digital product in the 'opportunities' section.

The 'opportunities' section includes a more complete list of potential solutions for specific user problems, while 'thoughts' and 'emotional experience' allow to understand the user's feelings in the process and identify critical areas.

Task Analysis & User Flows

The user journey maps enable identifying the path that users can take to achieve their goals. This translates visually into task analyses (as bullet lists) which are then developed into user flows (as graphs). The user flows provide a first glance into the overall solution process translated into a digital product and set the basis for the next stage: information architecture.

I thoroughly enjoyed this process. I found the process of creating user personas exciting and enriching, as I felt like I got to know the people I was designing for, giving them a name and a face. 
Looking back, it is now evident how all the steps involved were necessary for the development of effective solutions that respond to user needs. I believe that this phase is where I learnt the most, and I am looking forward to deepening my understanding of the user and developing user-centred solutions.


Tools: Adobe Illustrator, pen & paper, OptimalSort


After defining user journey maps and task flows, I had a pretty good idea of how Ink Tank users could achieve their goals. However, some additional features would benefit the user which were not included in these documents, while other elements were determined by business and marketing requirements. All elements had to be organised intuitively in a sitemap.

Information Architecture

Sitemap / Card Sorting

I was able to create an initial sitemap using the user flows as a starting point. This allowed the structure to follow the user journey optimally, rather than forcing the journey to fit into a predefined structure. Later I included in the sitemap other elements such as the user profile page, the sign-up flow, and other elements that did not appear in the flows. 
The resulting sitemap was functional and included all elements, but required validation from potential users. This was addressed through an open card sorting exercise in which participants were able to organise the various sections according to their own logic.

The results of the card sorting exercise confirmed the initial sitemap and suggested other links between pages and functions that were not considered initially. This is what the final sitemap looked like: 

Final sitemap.jpg

Navigation Design

The sitemap was very clear in regards to what the primary pages of the website would be. Having five main elements allowed a smooth translation into desktop navigation while presenting some challenges in the mobile version.


I wanted to avoid using a hamburger menu, as this would hide the menu options. A flat navigation system would allow increased navigation visibility while providing the user with a well-known mobile pattern.

The mobile navigation was placed at the bottom of the screen to allow easy access with the advantage of a familiar pattern. 

I decided to limit the flat navigation to 4 elements to ensure visibility and allow wider touch targets. The Home button was included among these four elements, together with the Search function, Favourites page, and Profile page. This choice was made to prioritise the interactive aspects of the app, as these are the tools a user needs to complete their goals.


The blog section was removed from the main navigation as it was more of a consultative tool; users would be able to access the latest and most relevant blog entries from the homepage instead.


I also decided to place access to private messages in the top right of the screen; later in the process, the notifications icon was also added in this position. This follows the well-known pattern set by Facebook and other social media and provides the user with a logical position for 'live' elements.

1 homepage signed in.jpg


Tools: Tools: Balsamiq, Adobe XD, pen and paper, Zoom

First Iteration

Wireframing with Balsamiq

The sitemap defined the structure of the app, but it was necessary to develop wireframes to determine the internal structure of each page and establish links between its key features. This was achieved using Balsamiq Wireframes; the software allowed me to create rapid solutions and define the layout and links between pages and functions. 


Mid-Fidelity Prototype

Once I was satisfied with the wireframes, I decided to develop them further into a mid-fidelity prototype. My goal was to define the user's interactions with the product and refine the design to achieve a testable prototype. 
For this phase, I used Adobe XD as I needed to move onto a design software that allowed the creation of a prototype. The prototype was created using the wireframes as a base, and increasing the level of detail and fidelity.

mid fi.jpg


Tools: Zoom, Numbers, Keynote, pen & paper


In order not to invest precious time on unsuccessful solutions, it was important to verify the effectiveness of solutions early on with user testing. In this case, my objective was to verify the overall usability and navigability of the prototype.

Usability Testing

Conducting the test

The test questions focused on three of the main functionalities that were developed in the prototype and had the following goals:

  • Determine learnability of the onboarding process and errors. 

  • Determine clarity of homepage and navigation: can the user understand their purpose? 

  • Determine learnability and efficiency in the search function. 

  • Determine learnability and efficiency in the booking function. 

The six participants were aged 21 to 35. For this test, five participants had previous experience of booking tattoos, while one was interested in the topic but did not have direct experience.
Five interviews were conducted remotely, with users testing the mobile prototype via their desktop devices; one interview was conducted in person on a mobile device.


The interview started with a brief introduction to the project to prepare the participants for the tasks ahead. Participants were given a chance to ask questions and sign the informed consent form.

After asking relevant demographic questions, the interview continued with three scenario questions that had the objective of analysing the user's progress through the onboarding, search, and booking flows. The interview also included several open-ended questions aimed at collecting information about the user's overall impressions and expectations on specific pages. 
I decided to avoid a follow-up questionnaire, and measure difficulty through single-ease questions after each task.  

Usability Test Participants.jpeg

Each interview was recorded; I was able to analyse the recordings and read through my notes to gather insights.
The resulting data was analysed through affinity mapping. The objective of this analysis was to determine common observations and feelings, quotes, and errors to identify the issues to prioritise.
I also made use of a rainbow spreadsheet, which allowed me to not only identify the most common comments and errors but also propose solutions while having a clear view of the solutions that should be prioritised.

The findings are described in Ink Tank's Usability Test Report, which you can read here.

Although all users were able to complete the test tasks, I made some mistakes due to a lack of experience. In the first interview, I quickly realised how one of the scenario questions was phrased wrongly, as it included too much information and distracted the participant from completing the search. I was able to rectify the mistake in the following interviews.
I also learned how important it is to clarify that the prototype is not a functioning app and that some options/choices are limited due to the prototype limitations. 
I was also surprised to find out that testing the prototype on a mobile device provided a better idea of the possible user interactions. Compared to the remote tests, the participant who completed the test on mobile made use of the horizontal scrolling functions. Furthermore, no mouse icon was there to suggest possible interactions; the participant was not biased and engaged in more genuine interactions. 
As my first user testing experience, this was an important step in my training as a UX Designer. I am proud of the results, but also aware that there is much more for me to learn!

Preference Testing

After identifying and prioritising the usability issues in the prototype, I decided to run a couple of preference tests with different objectives. 
I planned not only to implement changes in the prototype but also to increase the level of fidelity in the next iteration. In light of the upcoming changes, I needed some external input in understanding the best way forward. For this reason, I designed two different visual renditions of the onboarding process and conducted a preference test through


The participants were mostly recruited through CareerFoundry's Slack channels. Out of 14 participants, 86% preferred the first image. Some of the reasons were better readability of the text and the traditional button shape which was easier to identify.

4.8 Preference Testing.001.jpeg


Tools: Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator


This phase started with the improvement of the prototype by addressing the issues that rose from user interviews. In addition to this, I started applying visual design principles to the current prototype, taking steps towards the definition of Ink Tank's look-and-feel.


Second Iteration

Prototype Improvements

Following the feedback from users in the testing phase, the app was improved by including more detailed pricing information throughout the app, reviewing the copy on several pages, and implementing more information on the artist page, such as location info and availability tag.